CAS CaseConnector for SAP Plant Maintenance

Enter, process and coordinate orders in Jira, document and monitor costs in SAP

An order is entered by creating a defined issue in Jira. This leads to the automatically createion of a SAP PM notification and the corresponding SAP PM order in the SAP system. The creation is performed asynchronous. When the SAP PM order is successfully created, Jira is notified so that Jira can determine and assign the SAP PM order number from the SAP system. In case of an error, Jira is notified by event. Jira creates a comment on the assigned issue and notifies the responsible employee by mail.

Once the order has been created in SAP, editing is started. Over time, costs are posted to the SAP PM order in SAP. The costs are displayed in Jira separated by external/own/material costs directly at the issue.

Dates can change during order processing. The dates are adjusted in Jira at the issue. The PM order in SAP is adjusted accordingly. If the order issue is released or closed, the PM order is automatically adjusted in SAP.

Estimated costs for the order are maintained in Jira and then transferred to SAP.

Depending on the project status, the closing of the issue, the release or the partial completion message in SAP can be triggered from Jira.

Error messages occurring in SAP can be stored as comments on the Jira Issue.

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